
Incipient Decay of Maltese Democracy

1.Following the last general elections the Nationalist Party handed over to the incoming Government a healthy democracy and a sound economy.  We successfully transformed the disastrous state of affairs we had inherited in 1987 from former Labour-led governments into a multitude ofbenefits for our citizens and for our country.  That is precisely what we left behind.  These are the undeniable facts.  Unfortunately though, there are now signs which indicate that this administration shall refrain from maintaining and developing further all these positive measures that we had introduced.  Not only is the day-to-day performance of this so-called “new movement of progressives and moderates” very poor, but it is now becoming evidently clear that a process that aims to weaken our democracy , is underway.

2.There is no such thing as the “new movement”.  The present Government’s tactics are no different to those pursued by other Labour during their infamous “Golden Years”.  During the last electoral campaign, promises were made on numerous occasions that a new Labour Government would eliminate bad practices and introduce a “modern” way of governing.  Many were those who believed them.  Of these, many others are today realizing that they have been deceived.

3. One of the highlights of these series of gaffes made to date by the Government took place precisely during the last parliamentary sitting.  Cabinet chose intentionally that day to submit the declaration of assets held by Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries.  This decision was  evidently made in order to avoid criticism from the Opposition benches.  Declaration of assets by persons in power are  necessary in a society that aims  to help  prevent abuse of power, reduce corruption and increase public accountability.

4.Each Minister and Parliamentary Secretary is in duty bound to declare his or her assets in accordance with the Code of Ethics.  A measure  introduced , self imposed, by the Nationalist Party in Government.  The reasons for the introduction of this procedure were two-fold.  Firstly, because the general public has the right to know what assets each member of the Executive holds.  Secondly, these declarations serve to prevent Ministers or Parliamentary Secretaries from being falsely accused of making any unlawful financial gain during the course of their tenure of office.

5.Through this procedure,  therefore, electors have access to the details of assets owned by Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries from the date of their appointment until  termination of office.  This is a direct and simple check mechanism which  persons who wish  to serve in politics with honesty and dignity should be proud to conform with.  However, this Government has failed to adhere to these democratic procedures.  Instead of giving a true picture of their assets and earnings, some Ministers have actually strived to cloud them.

6.This conduct un becoming of a member of the executive has automatically generated  suspicion among the general public. The public’s trust in politicians has been further put at stake, for two other reasons.  Primarily, many were dumbfounded at how affluent most members of  the  Labour Party really are.  Strange when this is the same Party which had been portraying itself as the “natural” one for the  middle and lower class .  The long list of properties, monies invested or even held in private residences,  have in the last weeks featured amongst the most widely discussed topics within our local community.   While many are shocked, others jokingly say that they will be seeking interest free loans from the abundance of certain Ministers.

7. Further more, the direct message conveyed by various Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries was that they had  attempted to misinform their voters about the wealth they  owned and coralled over the years.  The position became even more worrying  when the proprietors of these assets did not  provide valid and credible explanations for the  discrepancies shown between the value of the assets held and their declared annual incomes.

8.The Code of Ethics is designed to fight corruption and prescribes sound ethical standards for Ministers to follow.  Unfortunately, not only has the Prime Minister failed to rectify the declaration of assets issue, but he has once again made a mockery of them. Just as he is persistingly allowing other  members of the Executive to continue conducting their private practices, the Prime Minister is now allowing these incorrect declarations.  It is no rocket science to realise that following this course of action is leading to a decay for our country’s democratic foundations. 

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25706. L-ONOR. CARMELO MIFSUD BONNICI   staqsa lill- Ministru għall-Politika Soċjali u d-Drittijiet tat-Tfal: Jista’ l-Ministru jgħid għal l...